शिर्डी के साँई बाबा जी के दर्शनों का सीधा प्रसारण....

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

श्री साई सच्चरित्र - अध्याय 10

ॐ सांई रामआप सभी को शिर्डी के साईं बाबा ग्रुप की और से साईं-वार की हार्दिक शुभ कामनाएं

हम प्रत्येक साईं-वार के दिन आप के समक्ष बाबा जी की जीवनी पर आधारित श्री साईं सच्चित्र का एक अध्याय प्रस्तुत करने के लिए श्री साईं जी से अनुमति चाहते है

हमें आशा है की हमारा यह कदम घर घर तक श्री साईं सच्चित्र का सन्देश पंहुचा कर हमें सुख और शान्ति का अनुभव करवाएगा

किसी भी प्रकार की त्रुटी के लिए हम सर्वप्रथम श्री साईं चरणों में क्षमा याचना करते है
श्री साई सच्चरित्र - अध्याय 10

श्री साईबाबा का रहन सहन, शयन पटिया, शिरडी में निवास, उनके उपदेश, उनकी विनयशीनता, सुगम पथ ।



श्री साईबाबा का सदा ही प्रेमपूर्वक स्मरण करो, क्योंकि वे सदैव दूसरों के कल्याणार्थ तत्पर तथा आत्मलीन रहते थे । उनका स्मरण करना ही जीवन और मृत्यु की पहेली हल करना हैं । साधनाओं में यह अति श्रेष्ठ तथा सरल साधना है, क्योंकि इसमें कोई द्रव्य व्यय नहीं होता । केवल मामूली परिश्रम से ही भविष्य नितान्त फलदायक होता है । जब तक इन्द्रयाँ बलिष्ठ है, क्षण-क्षण इस साधना को आचरण में लाना चाहिये । अन्य सब देवी-देवता तो भ्रमित करने वाले है, केवल गुरु ही ईश्वर है । हमें उनके ही पवित्र चरणकमलों में श्रदा रखनी चाहिये । वे तो हर इन्सान के भाग्यविधाता और प्रेममय प्रभु हैं । जो अनन्य भाव से उनकी सेवा करेंगे, वे भवसागर से निश्चय ही मुक्ति को प्राप्त होंगे । न्याय अथवा मीमांसा या दर्शनशास्त्र पढ़ने की भी कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है । जिस प्रकार नदी या समुद्र पार करते समय नाविक पर विश्वास रखते है, उसी प्रकार का विश्वास हमें भवसागर से पार होने के लिये सदगुरु पर करना चाहिये । सदगुरु तो केवल भक्तों के भक्ति-भाव की ओर ही देखकर उन्हें ज्ञान और परमानन्द की प्राप्ति करा देते हैं ।

गत अध्याय में बाबा की भिक्षावृत्ति, भक्तों के अनुभव तथा अन्य विषयों का वर्णन किया गया हैं । अब पाठकगण सुनें कि श्री साईबाबा किस प्रकार रहते, शयन करते और शिक्षा प्रदान करते थे ।

बाबा का विचित्र बिस्तर


पहले हम यह देखेंगे कि बबा किस प्रकार शयन करते थे । श्री नानासाहेब डेंगले एक चार हाथ लम्बा और एक हथेली चौड़ा लकड़ी का तख्ता श्री साईबाबा के शयन के हेतु लाये । तख्ता कहीं नीचे रक कर उस पर सोते, ऐसा न कर बाबा ने पुरानी चिन्दियों से मसजिद की बल्ली से उसे झूले के समान बाँधकर उस पर शयन करना प्रारम्भ कर दिया । चिन्दियों के बिल्कुल पतली और कमजोर होने के कारण लोगों को उसका झूला बनाना एक पहेली-सा बन गया । चिन्दियाँ तो केवल तख्ते का भी भार वहन नहीं कर सकतती थी । फिर वे बाबा के शरीर का भार किस प्रकार सहन कर सकेंगी । जिस प्रकार भी हो, यह तो राम ही जानें, परन्तु यह तो बाबा की एक लीला थी, जो फटी चिन्दियाँ तख्ते तथा बाबा का भार सँभाल रही थी । तख्ते के चारों कोनों पर दीपक रात्रि भर जला करते थे । बाबा को तख्ते पर बैठे या शयन करते हुए देखना, देवताओं को भी दुर्लभ दृश्य था । सब आश्चर्यचकित थे कि बाबा किस प्रकार तख्ते पर चढ़ते होंगे और किस प्रकार नीचे उतरते होंगे । कौतूहलवश लोग इस रहस्योद्घघाटन के हेतु दृष्टि लगाये रहते थे, परंतु यह समझने में कोई भी सफल न हो सका और इस रहस्य को जानने के लिये भीड़ उत्तरोत्तर ही बढ़ने लगी । इस कारण बाबा ने एक दिन तख्ता तोड़कर बाहर फेंक दिया । यघपि बाबा को अष्ट सिद्घियाँ प्राप्त था, परन्तु उन्होंने कभी भी उनका प्रयोग नहीं किया और न कभी उनकी ऐसी इच्छा ही हुई । वे तो स्वतः ही स्वाभाविक रुप से पू्र्णता प्राप्त होने के कारण उनके पास आ गई थी ।

ब्रहम का सगुण अवतार


ब्राहृदृष्टि से श्री साईबाबा साढ़े तीन हाथ लम्बे एक सामान्य पुरुष थे, फर भी प्रत्येक के हृदय में वे विराजमान थे । अंदर से वे आसक्ति-रहित और स्थिर थे, परन्तु बाहर से जन-कल्याण के लिये सदैव चिन्तित रहते थे । अंदर से वे संपूर्ण रुप से निःस्वार्थी थे । भक्तों के निमित्त उनके हृदय में परम शांति विराजमान थी, परंतु बाहर से वे अशान्त प्रतीत होते थे । वे अन्तस से ब्रहमज्ञानी, परन्तु बाहर से संसार में उलझे हुए दिखलाई पड़ते थे । वे कभी प्रेमदृष्टि से देखते तो कभी पत्थर मारते, कभी गालियाँ देते और कभी हृदय से लगाते थे । वे गम्भीर, शान्त और सहनशील थे । वे सदैव दृढ़ और आत्मलीन रहते थे और अपने भक्तों का सदैव उचित ध्यान रखते थे। वे सदा एक आसन पर ही विराजमान रहते थे । वे कभी यात्रा को नहीं निकले । उनका दंड एक छोटी सी लकड़ी था, जिसे वे सदैव अपने पास सँभाल कर रखते थे । विचारशून्य होने के कारण वे शान्त थे । उन्होंने कांचन और कीर्ति की कभी चिन्ता नहीं की तथा सदा ही भिक्षावृति द्घारा निर्वाह करते रहे । उनका जीवन ही इस प्रकार का था । अल्लाह मालिक सदैव उनके होठों पर रहता था । उनका भक्तों पर विशेष और अटूट प्रेम था । वे आत्म-ज्ञान की खान और परम दिव्य स्वरुप थे । श्री साईबाबा का दिव्य स्वरुप इस तरह का था । एक अपरिमित, अनन्त, सत्य और अपरिवर्तनशील सिद्घान्त, जिसके अन्त्रगत यह सारा विश्व है, श्री साईबाबा में आविर्भूत हुआ था । यह अमूल् निधि केवल सत्व गुण-सम्पन्न और भाग्यशाली भक्तों को ही प्राप्त हुई । जिन्होंने श्री साईबाबा को केवल मनुष्य या सामान्य पुरुष समझा या समझते है, वे यथार्थ में अभागे थे या हैं ।

श्री साईबाबा के माता-पिता तथा उनकी जन्मतिथि क ठीक-ठीक पता किसी को भी नहीं है तो भी उनके शिरडी में निवास के द्घारा इसका अनुमान लगाया जा सकता हैं । जब पहलेपहल बाबा शिरडी में आये थे तो उस समय उनकी आयु केवल 16 वर्ष की थी । वे शिरडी में 3 वर्ष तक रहने के बाद फिर कुछ समय के लिये अंतद्घान हो गये । कुछ काल के उपरान्त वे औरंगबाद के समीर (निजाम स्टेट) में प्रकट हुए और चाँद पाटील की बारात के साथ पुनः शिरडी पधारे । उस समय उनकी आयु 20 वर्ष की थी । उन्होंने लगातार 60 वर्षों तक शिरडी में निवास किया और सन् 1918 में महासमाधि ग्रहण की । इन तथ्यों के आधार पर हम कह सकते है कि उनकी जन्म-तिथि सन् 1838 के लगभग थी ।

बाबा का ध्येय और उपदेश


सत्रहवी शताब्दी (1608-1681) में सन्त रामदास प्रकट हुए और उन्होंने यवनों से गायों और ब्राहमणों की रक्षा करने का कार्य पर्याप्त सीमा तक सफलतापूर्वक किया । परन्तु दो शताब्दियों के व्यततीत हो जाने के बाद हिन्दू और मुसलमानों में वैमनस्य बढ़ गया और इसे दूर रने के लिये ही श्री साईबाबा प्रगट हुए । उनका सभी के लिये यही उपदेश था कि राम (जो हिन्दुओं का भगवान है) और रहीम (जो मुसलमानों का खुदा है) एक ही है और उनमें किंचित मात्र भी भेद नहीं है । फिर तुम उनके अनुयायी क्यों पृथक-पृथक रहकर परस्रप झगड़ते हो । अज्ञानी बालको । दोनों जातियाँ एकता साध कर और एक साथ मिलजुलकर रहो । शांत चित्त से रहो और इस प्रकार राष्ट्रीय एकता का ध्येय प्राप्त करो । कलह और विवाद व्यर्थ है । इसलिए न झगड़ो और न परस्पर प्राणघातक ही बनो । सदैव अपने हित तथा कल्याण का विचार करो । श्री हरि तुम्हारी रक्षा अवश्य करेंगे । योग, वैराग्य, तप, ज्ञान आदि ईश्वर के समीप पहुँचने के मार्ग है । यदि तुम किसी तरह सफल साधक नहीं बन सकते तो तुम्हारा जन्म व्यर्थ है । तुम्हारी कोई कितनी ही निन्दा क्यों न करे, तुम उसका प्रतिकार न करो । यदि कोई शुभ कर्म करने की इच्छा है तो सदैव दूसरों की भलाई करो ।

संक्षेप में यही श्री साईबाबा का उपदेश है कि उपयुक्त कथनानुसार आचरण करने से भौतिक तथा आध्यात्मिक दोनों ही क्षेत्रों में तुम्हारी प्रगति होगी ।

सच्चिदानंद सदगुरु श्री साईनाथ महाराज


गुरु तो अनेक है कुछ गुरु ऐसे है, जो द्घार-द्घार हाथ में वीणा और करताल लिये अपनी धार्मिकता का प्रदर्शन करते फिरते हैं । वे शिष्यों के कानों में मंत्र फूँकते और उनकी सम्पत्ति का शोषण करते हैं । वे ईश्वर भक्ति तथा धार्मिकता का केवल ढोंग ही रचते हैं । वे वस्तुतः अपवित्र और अधार्मिक होते है । श्री साईबाबा ने धार्मिक निष्ठा प्रदर्शित करने का विचार भी कभी मन में नहीं किया । दैहिक बुद्घि उन्हें किंचितमात्र भी छू न गई थी । परन्तु उनमें भक्तों के लिए असीम प्रेम था । गुरु दो प्रकार के होते है –

1. नियत और 2. अनियत ।

अनियत गुरु के आदेशों से अपने में उत्तम गुणों का विकास होता तथा चित्त की शुद्घि होकर विवेक की वृद्घि होती है । वे भक्ति-पथ पर लगा देते हैं । परन्तु नियत गुरु की संगति मात्र से द्घैत बुद्घि का हृास शीघ्र हो जाता है । गुरु और भी अनेक प्रकार के होते है, जो भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार की सांसारिक शिक्षाये प्रदान करते हैं । यथार्थ में जो हमें आत्मस्थित बनाकर इस भवसागर से पार उतार दे, वही सदगुरु है । श्री साईबाबा इसी कोटि के सदगुरु थे । उनकी महानता अवर्णीनीय है । जो भक्त बाबा के दर्शनार्थ आते, उनके प्रश्न करने के पूर्व ही बाबा उनके समस्त जीवन की त्रिकालिक घटनाओं का पूरा-पूरा विवरण कह देते थे । वे समस्त भूतों में ईश्वर-दर्शन किया करते थे । मित्र और शत्रु उन्हें दोनों एक समान थे । वे निःस्वार्थी तथा दृढ़ थे । भाग्य और दुर्भाग्य का उन पर कोई प्रभाव न था । वे कभी संशयग्रस्त नहीं हुए । देहधारी होकर भी उनहें देह की किंचितमात्र आसक्ति न थी । देह तो उनके लिण केवल एक आवरण मात्र था । यथार्थ में तो वे नित्य मुक्त थे ।

वे शिरडीवासी धन्य है, जिन्होंने श्री साईबाबा की ईश्वर-रुप में उपासना की । सोते-जागते, खाते-पीते, वाड़े या खेत तथा घर में अन्य कार्य करते हुए भी वे लोग सदैव उनका स्मरण तथा गुणगान करते थे । साईबाबा के अतिरिक्त दूसरा कोई ईश्वर वे मानते ही न थे । शिरडी की नारियों के प्रेम की माधुरी का तो कहना ही क्या है । वे विलकुल भोलीभाली थी । उनका पवित्र प्रेम उन्हें ग्रामीण भाषा में भजन रचने की सदैव प्रेरणा देता रहता था । यघपि वे शिक्षित न थी तो भी उनके सरल भजनों में वास्तविक काव्य की झलक थी । यह कोई विदृता न थी, वरना उनका सच्चा प्रेम ही इस प्रकार की कविता का प्रेरक था । कविता तो सत्ते प्रेम का प्रगट स्वरुप ही है, जिसमें चतुर श्रोता-गण ही यथार्थ दर्शन या रसिकता का अनुऊव करते है । सर्वसाधारण को इन लौकिक गीतों की बड़ी आवश्यकता है । शायद भविष्य में बाबा की कृपा से कोई भाग्यशाली भक्त गीतसंग्रह-कार्य उपने हाथ में लेकर इन गीतों को साईलीला पत्रिका में या पुस्तक रुप में प्रकाशित करवा दे ।

बाबा की विनयशीलता


ऐसा कहते है कि भगवान् में 6 प्रकार के विशेष गुण होते है – यथा

1. कीर्ति

2. श्री

3. वैराग्य

4. ज्ञान

5. ऐश्वर्य और

6. उदारता

श्री साईबाबा में भी ये सव गुण विघमान थे । उन्होंने भक्तों की इच्छा-पूर्ति के निमित्त ही सगुण अवतार धारण किया था । उनकी कृपा (दया) बड़ी ही विचित्र थी। वे भक्तों को स्वयं अपने पास आकर्षित करते थे । अन्यथा उन्हें कोई कैसे जान पाता । भक्तों के हेतु वे अपने श्रीमुख से ऐसे वचन कहते, जिनका वर्णन करने का सरस्वती भी साहस न कर सकती । उनमें से यहाँ पर एक रोचक नमूना दिया जाता हैं । बाबा अति विनम्रता से इस प्रकार बोलते दासानुदास, मैं तुम्हारा ऋणी हूँ, तुम्हारे दर्षन मात्र से मुझे सान्त्वना मिली, यह तुम्हारा मेरे ऊपर बड़ा उपकार है कि जो मुझे तुम्हारे चरणो, का दर्शन प्राप्त हुआ । तुम्हारे दर्शन कर मैं अपने को धन्य समझता हूँ । कैसी विनम्रता है । यदि कोई यह सोचे कि इन वाक्यों को प्रकाशित करने से श्री साईबाबा की महानता को आँच पहुँची है तो मैं इसके लिये क्षमाप्रार्थी हूँ और इसके प्रायश्चित स्वरुप मैं साई नाम का कीर्तन तथा जप किया करता हूँ ।

यघपु बाहृय दृष्टि से बाबा विषय-पदार्थों का उपभोग करते हुए प्रतीत होते थे, परन्तु उन्हें किंचितमात्र भी उनकी गन्ध न थी और न ही उनके उपभोग का ज्ञान था । वे खाते अवश्य थे, परन्तु उनकी जिहृा को कोई स्वाद न था । वे नेत्रों से देखते थे, परन्तु उस दृश्य में उनकी कोई रुचचि न थी । काम के सम्बन्ध में वे हनुमान सदृश अखंड ब्रहमचारी थे । उन्हें किसी पदार्थ में आसक्ति न थी । वे शुद्घ चैतन्य स्वरुप थे, जहाँ समस्त इच्छाएँ, अहंकार और अन्य चेष्टाएँ विश्राम पाती थी । संक्षेप में वे निःस्वार्थ, मुक्त और पूर्ण ब्रहम थे । इस कथन को समझने के हेतु एक रोचक कथा का उदाहरण यहाँ दिया जाता है ।



शिरडी में नानावल्ली नाम का एक विचित्र और अनोखा व्यक्ति था । वह बाबा के सब कार्यों की देखभाल किया करता था । एक समय जब बाबा गादी पर विराजमान थे, वह उनके पास पहुँचा । वह स्वयं ही गादी पर बैठना चाहता था । इसलिये उसने बाबा को वहाँ से हटने को कहा । बाबा ने तुरन्त गादी छोड़ दी और तब नानावल्ली वहाँ विराजमान हो गया । थोड़े ही समय वहाँ बैठकर वह उठा और बाबा को अपना स्थान ग्रहण करने को कहा । बाबा पुनः आसन पर बैठ गये । यह देखकर नानावल्ली उनके चरणों पर गिर पड़ा और भाग गया । इस प्रकार अनायास ही आज्ञा दिये जाने और वहाँ से उठाये जाने के कारण बाबा में किंचितमात्र भी अप्रसन्नता की झलक न थी ।

सुगम पथः सनन्तों की कथाओं का श्रवण करना और उनका समागम यघपि बाहय दृष्टि से श्री साईबाबा का आचरण सामान्य पुरुषों के सदृश ही था, परन्तु उनके कार्यों से उनकी असाधारण बुद्घिमत्ता और चतुराई स्पष्ट ही प्रतीत होती थी । उनके समस्त कर्म भक्तों की भलाई के निमित्त ही होते थे । उन्होने कभी भी अपने भक्तों को किसी आसन या प्राणायाम के नियमों अथवा किसी उपासना का आदेश कभी नहीं दिया और न उनके कानों में कोई मन्त्र ही फूँका । उनका तो सभी के लिये यही कहना था कि चातुर्य त्याग कर सदैव साई साई यही स्मरण करो । इस प्रकार आचरण करने से समस्त बन्धन छूट जायेंगे और तुम्हें मुक्ति प्राप्त हो जायेगी । पंचामि, तप, त्याग, स्मरण, अष्टांग योग आदि का साध्य होना केवल ब्राहमणों को ही सम्भव है, अन्य वर्णों के लिये नहीं ।

मन का कार्य विचार करना है । बिना विचार किये वह एक क्षण भी नहीं रह सकता । यदि तुम उसे किसी विषय में लगा दोगे तो वह उसी का चिन्तन करने लगेगा और यदि उसे गुरु को अर्पण कर दोगे तो वह गुरु के सम्बन्ध में ही चिन्तन करता रहेगा । आप लोग बहुत ध्यानपूर्वक साई की महानता और श्रेष्ठता श्रवण कर ही तुके है । यह स्वाभाविक स्मरण और पूजन ही साई का कीर्तन है । सन्तों की कथा का स्मरण उतना कठिन नहीं, जितना कि अन्य साधनाओं का, जिनका वर्णन ऊपर किया जा चुका है । ये कथाएँ सासारिक भय को निर्मूल कर आध्यात्मिक पथ पर आरुढ़ करती है । इसलिये इन कथाओं काहमेशा श्रवण और मनन करो तथा आचरण में भी लाओ । यदि इन्हें कार्यान्वित किया गया तो न केवन ब्राहमण, वरन स्त्रियाँ और अन्य दलित जातियाँ भी शुदृ और पावन हो जायेंगी । सासारिक कार्यों में लगे रहने पर भी अपना चित्त साई और उनकी कथाओं में लगाये रहो । तब तो यह निश्चत है कि वे कृपा अवश्य करेंगे । यह मार्ग अति सरल होने पर भी क्या कारण है कि सब कोई इसका अवलम्बन नहीं करते । कारण केवल यह है कि ईश-कृपा के अभाववश लोगों मे सन्त कथाएँ श्रवण करने की रुचि उत्पन्न नहीं होती । ईश्वर की कृपा से ही प्रत्येक कार्य सुचारु एवम सुंदर ढंग से चलता है । सन्तों की कथा का श्रवणे ही सन्तसमागम सदृश है । सन्त-सानिध्य का महत्व अति महान है । उससे दैहिक वुद्घि, अहंकार और जन्म मृत्यु के चक्र से मुक्ति, हो जाती है । हृदय की समस्त ग्रंथियाँ खुल जाती है और ईश्वर से मिलन हो जाता है, जोकि चैतन्यघन स्वरुप है । विषयों से निश्चय ही विरक्ति बढ़ती है तथा दुःखों और सुखों में स्थिर रहने की शक्ति प्राप्त हो जाती है और आध्यात्मिक उन्नति सुलभ हो जाती है । यदि तुम कोई साधन जैसे नामस्मरण, पूजन या भक्ति इत्यादि नहीं करते, परन्तु अनन्य भाव से केवल सन्तों के ही शरणागत हो जाओ तो वे तुम्हें आसानी से भवसागर के उस पार उतार देंगे । इसी कार्य के निमित्त ही सन्त विश्व में प्रगट होते है । पवित्र नदियाँ – गंगा, यमुना, गोदावरी, कृष्णा, कावेरी आदि जो संसार के समस्त पापों को धो देती है, वे भी सदैव इच्छा करती है कि कोई महात्मा अपने चरण-स्पर्श से हमें पावन करे । ऐसा सन्तों का प्रभाव है । गत जन्मों के शुभ कर्मों के फलस्वरुप ही श्री साई चरणों की प्राप्ति संभव है ।

मैं श्रीसाई के मोह-विनाशक चरणों का ध्यान कर यह अध्याय समाप्त करता हूँ । उनका स्वरुप कितना सुन्दर और मनोहर है । मसजिद के किनारे पर खड़े हुए वे सब भक्तों के, उनके कल्याणार्थ उदी वितरण किया करते है । जो इस विश्व को मिथ्या मानकर सदा आत्मानंद में निमग्न रहते थे, ऐसे सच्चिदानंद श्रीसाईमहाराज के चरणकमलों में मेरा बार-बार नमस्कार हैं ।

।। श्री सद्रगुरु साईनाथार्पणमस्तु । शुभं भवतु ।।

Shree Sai Sachritra - Chapter 10

ॐ सांई राम

Sai Baba's Mode of Life - His Sleeping - board - His Stay in Shirdi - His Teachings - His Humility - The Easiest Path.

Remember Him (Sai Baba) always with love, for He was engrossed in doing good to all, and always abided in His Self. To remember Him only is to solve the riddle of life and death. This is the best and easiest of Sadhanas, as it involves no expenditure. A little exertion here brings great rewards. So as long as our senses are sound, we should, minute my minute, practice this Sadhana. All other Gods are illusory ; Guru is the only God. If we believe in Sad-guru's holy feet, he can change our fortune for the better. If we serve Him nicely, we get rid of our Samsar. We need not study any philosophy like the Nyaya and the Mimansa. If we make Him our Helmsman, we can easily cross over the sea of all our pains and sorrows. As we trust the helmsman in crossing rivers and seas, so we have to trust our Sadguru in getting over the ocean of worldly existence. The Sadguru looks to the intense feeling and devotion of his devotees, endows them with knowledge and eternal bliss.

In the last chapter, Baba's mendicancy, and devotees' experiences and other subjects are dealt with. Let the readers now hear, where and how Baba lived, how He slept, and how He taught etc.
Baba's Wonderful Bed-Stead

Let us first see where and how Baba slept, Mr. Nanasaheb Dengale brought, for Sai Baba, a wooden plank, amount 4 cubits in length and only a span in breath, for sleeping upon. Instead of keeping the plank on the floor and then sleeping on it, Baba tied it like a swing to the rafters of the Masjid with old shreds or rags and commenced to sleep upon it. The rags were so thin and worn out that it was a problem how they could bear or support even weight of the plank itself, let alone the weight of Baba. But somehow or other-it was Baba's sheer Leela that the worn out rags did sustain the plank, with the weight of Baba on it. On the four corners of this plank, Baba lighted panatis (earthen lamps), one at each corner, and kept them burning the whole night. It was a sight for the Gods to see Baba sitting or sleeping on this plank! It was a wonder to all, how Baba got up and down the plank. Out of curiosity, many careful observers kept watching the process of mounting and dismounting, but none succeeded. As crowds began to swell so to detect this wonderful feat, Baba one day broke the plank into pieces and threw it away. Baba had all the eight Siddhis (powers) at His command. He never practiced nor craved for them. They came to Him naturally, as a result of His perfection.

Sagun Manifestation of Brahman

Though Sai Baba looked like a man, three cubits and a half in length, still He dwelt in the hearts of all. Inwardly, he was unattached and indifferent, but outwardly, He longed for public welfare. Inwardly most disinterested, He looked outwardly full of desires, for the sake of His devotees. Inwardly an abode of peace, he looked outwardly restless. Inwardly He had the state of Brahman, outwardly He acted like a devil. Inwardly He had the state of Brahman, outwardly he acted like a devil. Inwardly He loved Adwaita (union or monism), outwardly He got entangled with the world. Sometimes He looked on all with affection, and at times He threw stones at them; sometimes He scolded them, while at times He embraced them and was calm, composed, tolerant and well-balanced. He always abided and was engrossed in the Self and was well-disposed towards His Bhaktas. He always sat on one Asan and never travelled. His 'band' was a small stick, which He always carried in His hand. He was calm, being thought-free. He never cared for wealth and fame and lived on begging. Such a life He led. He always uttered 'Allah Malik' (God the real owner). Entire and unbroken was His love for the Bhaktas. He was the mine or store-house for self-knowledge and full of Divine Bliss. Such was the Divine Form of Sai Baba, boundless, endless and undifferentiated. One principle which envelopes the whole universe, (from a stone pillar to Brahma) incarnated in Sai Baba. The really meritorious and fortunate people got this treasure-trove in their hands, while those people who not knowing the real worth of Sai Baba took or take Him to be a man, a mere human being, were and are indeed miserable.

His Stay in Shirdi and Probable Birth-date

None knew or knows the parents and exact birth-date of Sai Baba; but it can be approximately determined by His stay in Shirdi. Baba first came to Shirdi, when he was a young lad of sixteen and stayed there for three years. Then all of a sudden He disappeared for some time. After some time, He reappeared in the Nizam state near Aurangabad, and again came to Shirdi with the marriage-party of Chand Patil, when He was twenty years old. Since then, He stayed in Shirdi continuously for a period of sixty years, after which Baba took His Maha-Samadhi in the year 1918. From this we can say that the year of Baba's birth is approximately 1838 A.D.

Baba's Mission and Advice

Saint Ramadas (1608-1681) flourished in the 17th century, and fulfilled to a great extent his mission of protecting cows and Brahmins against the Yavanas (Mahomedans), but within two centuries after him, the split between the two communities -- Hindus and Mahomedans widened again, and Sai Baba came to bridge the gulf. His constant advice to all was to this effect. "Rama (the God of the Hindus) and Rahim (the God of the Mahomedans) were one and the same; there was not the slightest difference between them; then why should their devotees and quarrel among themselves? You ignorant folk, children, join hands and bring both the communities together, act sanely and thus you will gain your object of national unity. It is not good to dispute and argue. So don't argue, don't emulate others. Always consider your interest and welfare. The Lord will protect you. Yoga, sacrifice, penance, and knowledge are the means to attain God. If you do not succeed in this by any means, vain is your birth. If any one does any evil unto you, to do not retaliate. If you can do anything, do some good unto other." This in short was Sai Baba's advice to all; and this will stand in good stead both in material and spiritual matters.

Sai Baba as Sadguru

There are Gurus and Gurus. There are many so-called Gurus, who go about from house to house with cymbals and veena in their hands, and make a show of their spirtituality. They blow mantras into the ears of their disciples and extract money from them. They profess to teach piety and religion to their disciples, but are themselves impious and irreligious. Sai Baba never thought of making the least show of His worth (piety). Body-consciousness, He had none, but He had great love for the disciples. There are two kinds of Gurus (1) 'Niyat' (appointed or fixed) and (2) 'Aniyat' unappointed or general). The latter by their advice develop the good qualities in us, purify our hearts and set us on the path of salvation; but contact with the former, dispels our quality (sense of difference); and estalishes us in Unity by making us realize "Thou art that". There are various Gurus imparting to us various kinds of wordly knowledge, but he, who fixes us in our Nature (Self) and carries us beyond the ocean of worldly existence, is the Sadguru. Sai Baba was such a Sadguru. His greatness is undescribable. If anybody went to take His darshana, he, without being asked, would give every detail of his past, present and future life. He saw Divinity in all beings. Friends and foes were alike to Him. Disinterested and equal-balanced, He obliged the evil-doers. He was the same in prosperity and adversity. No doubt, ever touched Him. Though He possessed the human body, He was not in the least attached to His body or house. Though He looked embodied, He was really disembodied, i.e., free in this every life.

Blessed are the people of Shirdi, who worshipped Sai as their God. While eating, drinking, working in their backyards and fields and doing various household works, they always remembered Sai and sang His glory. They knew no other God except Sai. What to speak of the love, the sweetness of the love, of the women of Shirdi! They were quite ignorant, but their pure love inspired them to compose poems or songs in their simple rural language. Letters or learning they had none, still one can discern real poetry in their simple songs. It is not intelligence, but love, that inspires real poetry as such. Real poetry is the manifestation of true love; and this can be seen and appreciated by intelligent listeners. Collection of these folk songs is desirable and Baba willing, some fortunate devotee may undertake the task of collecting and publishing these folk-songs, either in the Sai Leela magazine or separately in a book-form.

Baba's Humility

Lord or Bhagwan is said to have six qualities, viz. (1) Fame, (2) Wealth, (3) Non-attachment, (4) Knowledge, (5) Grandeur, and (6) Generosity. Baba had all these in Him. He incarnated in flesh for the sake of the Bhaktas. Wonderful was His grace and kindness! He drew the devotees to Him, or how else one could have known Him! For the sake of His Bhaktas Baba spoke such words, as the Goddness of Speech dare not utter. Here is a specimen. Baba spoke very humbly as follows:- "Slave of slaves I am your debtor, I am satisfied at your darshan. It is a great favour that I saw your feet. I am an insect in your excreta. I consider Myself blessed thereby". What humility is this? If anybody would think that by publishing this, any disrespect is shown to Sai, we beg His pardon and to atone for this we sing and chant Baba's name.

Though Baba seemed outwardly to enjoy sense-objects, he had not the least flavour in them, nor even the consciousness of enjoying them. Though He ate, he had no taste and though He saw, He never felt any interest in what He saw. Regarding passion, He was as perfect a celibate as Hanuman. He was not attached to anything. He was pure consciousness, the resting place of desire, anger, and other feelings. In short, He was disinterested, free and perfect. A striking instance may be citied in illustration of this statement.


There was in Shirdi, a very quaint and queer fellow, by name Nanavalli. He looked to Baba's work and affairs. He once approached Baba who was seated on His Gadi (seat) and asked Him to get up, as he wanted to occupy the same. Baba at once got up and left the seat, which he occupied. After sitting there awhile Nanavalli got up, and asked Baba to take His seat. Then Baba sat on the seat and Nanavalli fell at His feet, and then went away. Baba did not show the slightest displeasure in being dictated to and ousted.

This Nanavalli loved Baba so much that he breathed his last, on the thirteenth day of Baba's taking Maha-Samadhi.
The Easiest Path

Hearing the stories of the Saints and Being in their Company:

Though Sai Baba acted outwardly like an ordinary man, His actions showed extraordinary intelligence and skill. Whatever He did, was done for the good of His devotees. He never prescribed any asan, regulation of breathing or any rites to His Bhaktas, nor did He blow any mantra into their ears. He told them to leave off all cleverness and always remember "Sai" "Sai". "If you did that" He said, "all your shackles would be removed and you would be free". Sitting between five fires, sacrifices, chantings, eight-fold Yoga are possible for the Brahmins only. They are of no use to the other classes. The function of the mind is to think, it cannot remain for a minute without thinking. If you give it a Sense-object, it will think about it. If you give it to a Guru, it will think about Guru. You have heard most attentively the greatness, grandeur of Sai. This is the natural remembrance, worship and Kirtan of Sai. Hearing the stories of the Saints is not so difficult, as the other Sadhanas mentioned above. They (stories) remove all fear of this Samsar (worldly existence), and take you on to the spiritual path. So listen to these stories, meditate on them, and assimilate them. If this is done, not only the Brahmins, but women and lower clases will get pure and holy. You may do or attend to your worldy duties, but give your mind to Sai and His stories, and then, He is sure to bless you. This is the easiest path, but why do not all take to it? The reason is that without God's grace, we do not get the desire to listen to the stories of Saints. With God's grace everything is smooth and easy. Hearing the stories of the Saints is, in a way, keeping their company. The importance of the company of Saints is very great. It removes our body-consciousness and egoism, destroys completely the chain of our birth and death, cuts asunder all the knots of the heart, and takes us to God, Who is pure Consciousness. It certainly increases our non-attachment to sense-objects, and makes us quite indifferent to pleasures and pains, and leads us on the spiritual path. If you have no other Sadhana, such as uttering God's name, worship or devotion etc., but if you take refuge in them (Saints) whole-heartedly, they will carry you off safety across the ocean of wordly existence. It is for this reason that the Saint manifest themselves in this world. even sacred rivers such as the
Ganges, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri etc., which wash away the sins of the world, desire that the Saints should come to them, for a bath and purify them. Such is the grandeur of the Saints. It is on account of the store of merit in past births that we have attained the feet of Sai Baba.
We conclude this chapter with meditation on Sai's Form. He, the beautiful and handsome Sai, standing on the edge of the Masjid and distributing Udi to each and every Bhakta, with a view to his welfare. He who thinks the world as naught and Who is ever engrossed in Supreme Bliss -- before Him -- we humbly prostrate ourselves.

Bow to Shri Sai -- Peace be to all

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

तेरी रहमते बेहिसाब हैं..

ॐ सांई राम

॥ ॐ शिरडी वासाय विधमहे सच्चिदानन्दाय धीमही
तन्नो साईं प्रचोदयात ॥

ॐ साईं राम जी,

"शास्त्रों के सत्य को अनुभव करने के लिए विचार-विमर्श करने की शक्ति और मन की कल्पना-शक्ति (प्रतिभा) आवश्यक हैं I

लेकिन ज्ञान तभी प्राप्त होता है, जब इस संसार की माया का इंद्रजाल नष्ट होता है, उसके बिना यह असंभव है" I 

बाबा साईं जी अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो....

मेरे साथ साया है साईं का, बस ये तसल्ली की बात है |

मैं तेरी नज़र से न गिर सका, मुझे हर नज़र ने गिरा लिया ||

तेरी रहमते बेहिसाब हैं, करूँ किस जुबान से शुक्रिया |

मुझसे जब भी कोई खता हुई, तुने फिर गले से लगा लिया ||

तेरी शान तेरे जलाल को, मैंने जब से दिल मैं बिठा लिया |

मैंने सब चिराग बुझा दिये, मैंने इक चिराग जला लिया ||...

बाबा साईं जी अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो...

ॐ साईं राम

साईं जी की कृपा हम सब पर बनी रहे |


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Monday, June 27, 2011

तीनों लोको में गुरु के समान दाता कोई ओर अन्य नहीं है......

ॐ सांई राम 

साईं तुम्हे मेरा शाष्टांग प्रणाम ||

करते हो तुम सबका कल्याण,

द्वार पे तेरे जो भी आए खाली हाथ नही जाए,

बनाते हो तुम सबके बिगडे काम,
साईं तुम्हे मेरा शाष्टांग प्रणाम ||

अपने मन मन्दिर में जिसने तुम्हे बैठाया,

उन सभी को तुमने गले लगाया,

कर दिया उनका कल्याण साईं,
साईं तुम्हे मेरा शाष्टांग प्रणाम ||

तुम हो दीन दुखियों के सहाई,

सबकी पीड़ा तुमने अपनाई,

सबकी बिगड़ी तुने ही बनाई,
साईं तुम्हे मेरा शाष्टांग प्रणाम ||

पनाह दे दो हमे भी अपनी शरण में,

जीवन भर रहेंगे तुम्हारी चरण में,

देखकर तुम्हे हम जी लेंगे,
साईं तुम्हे मेरा शाष्टांग प्रणाम ||

कुविचारों को हमारे आप,

मिटा दो अपने आप,

बुरे पथ से हम बचे,

सच्चाई के पथ पर हम चले,

ऐसा कर दो हमारा कल्याण,

साईं तुम्हे मेरा शाष्टांग प्रणाम ||

"तीनों लोको में गुरु के समान दाता कोई ओर अन्य नहीं है,
इसलिए अनन्य भाव से समर्पण कर उनकी परम शरण में जाना चाहिए" ||

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

साईं का रूप बना के, आया है डमरू वाला ||

ॐ सांई राम

दु:ख को बोझ समझने वाले कौन तुझे समझाए,

साँई तेरी ख़ातिर ख़ुद पर,
कितना बोझ उठाए कितना बोझ उठाए ||

वो ही तेरे प्यार का मालिक,

वो ही तेरे संसार का मालिक,

हैरत से तू क्या तकता है,

दीया बुझ कर जल सकता है,

वो चाहे तो रात को दिन,
और दिन को रात बनाए,
साँई तेरी ख़ातिर ख़ुद पर,
कितना बोझ उठाए कितना बोझ उठाए ||

तन में तेरा कुछ भी नहीं है,

शाम सवेरा कुछ भी नहीं है,

दुनिया की हर चीज़ उधारी,

सब जाएंगे बारी-बारी,

चार दिन के चोले पर काहे इतना इतराए,

साँई तेरी ख़ातिर ख़ुद पर,
कितना बोझ उठाए कितना बोझ उठाए ||

देख खुला है इक दरवाज़ा,

अंदर आकर ले अंदाज़ा,

पोथी-पोथी खटकने वाले,

पड़े हैं तेरी अक्ल पे ताले,

कब लगते हैं हाथ किसी के चलते फिरते साए,

साँई तेरी ख़ातिर ख़ुद पर
कितना बोझ उठाए कितना बोझ उठाए ||

!! हर हर महादेव !!

साईं का रूप बना के,
आया है डमरू वाला ||
गंगा में विसर्जित कर दी,
शिव ने सर्पो की माला ||
साईं का रूप बना के,

आया है डमरू वाला ||
माँ अन्नपूर्णा का सदा आपके घर पर वास रहे ||



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Saturday, June 25, 2011

सांई से रिश्ता ..... Om Sai Ram

ॐ सांई राम

जबसे बढ़ा सांई से रिश्ता
दुनियां छूटी जाय

हम आऐ सांई के द्वारे
धरती कहीं भी जाय

चहूं ओर तूफ़ान के धारे,
मैली हवा वीरान किनारे

जीवन नैया सांई सहारे
फिर भी चलती जाय

जबसे बढ़ा सांई से रिश्ता
दुनिया छूटी जाय

नाम सिमर ले जब तक दम है,
बोझ ज़ियादा वक्त भी कम है

याद रहे दो दिन की उमरिया
पल पल घटती जाय

जबसे बढ़ा………………

मेरे बाबा सुन लो, मन की पुकार को।

शरण अपनी ले लो, ठुकरा दूँगा संसार को।

ठुकराया है दुनिया ने, देकर खूब भरोसा

अब न खाने वाला, इस दुनिया से धोखा
करो कृपा न भूलूँ मैं, तेरे इस उपकार को।

शरण अपनी ले लो, ठुकरा दूँगा संसार को।

जीवन बन गया बाबा, सचमुच एक पहेली

जाने कब सुलझेगी, मेरे जीवन की पहेली

राह दिखाना भोले, अपने भक्त लाचार को।

शरण अपनी ले लो, ठुकरा दूँगा संसार को।

तेरे सिवा न कोई है, जिसको कहूँ मैं अपना

लगता होगा पूरा न , जो भी देखा है सपना

तुम्ही जानो कैसे, मिलेगा चैन बेकरार को।

शरण अपनी ले लो, ठुकरा दूँगा संसार को।

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

शिरडी वाले सांई बाबा दुनिया भूल गया मैं...!!

 ॐ सांई राम


अंधेरी ज़िन्दगी में एक सवेरा दे दो,
धरती आसमां के बीच बसेरा दे दो,
जीवन के तूफान में एक किनारा दे दो,
साईं नाथ अपने चरणों में आसरा दे दो,
अपनी रहमत का नज़ारा दे दो ||

शिरडी वाले सांई बाबा तू ही है एक हमारा,
जो भी तेरे दर पर आता मिलता उसे सहारा,
तुझसे लगन लगाके जोत जलाके,

भूल गया भूल गया मैं तो भूल गया,
ओ सांई बाबा सारी दुनिया भूल गया ||

सुबह शाम शिरडी वाले में फेरु तेरी माला,
तुझमें मन्दिर तुझमें मस्जिद तुझमें ही गुरुद्वारा,
तू है सारे जग का मालिक तू सारे जग का रखवाला,
तेरी भक्ति में सांई जी भूल गया भूल गया,
ओ सांई बाबा सारी दुनिया भूल गया ||

अंधियारे को दूर करे पानी से दीप जलाये,
तेरे दर पे जो आये उसे सच्ची राह दिखाये,
उसको सब कुछ भी मिल जाये जो तुझमें खो जाये,
शिरडी वाले सांई बाबा दुनिया भूल गया मैं,
ओ मैं तो भूल गया भूल गया,
ओ सांई बाबा सारी दुनिया भूल गया..... ||


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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

सांई प्रेम से भोग लगावें, जूठन मोहे मिल जावे..

ॐ सांई राम

घर मेरा ऐसा बनाना सांई नाथ
जिसमें सारी उमर कट जाय

घर मेरा ऐसा बनाना सांई नाथ

जहां बनाऊँ कुटी मैं सांई

वहीं धाम तेरा बन जाए

तेरे चरण की धूल उठाऊँ

फिर दीवारो पे लेप लगाऊ

सांई जी दया करके
दरवाज़े पर श्रद्धा सबूरी लिखना

घर मेरा ऐसा बनाना सांई नाथ
जिसमें सारी उमर कट जाय

उस घर के अन्दर सांई

तेरा इक मन्दिर होवे

मन्दिर अन्दर मेरे सांई

तेरी सुन्दर मूरत होवे

मन भावों का हार बनाऊँ

तब इच्छा पूरी होवे

साँझ सवेरे उन भावों का

तुमको हार पहनाऊँ

घर मेरा ऐसा बनाना सांई नाथ
जिसमें सारी उमर कट जाय

भक्तिभाव से भरा हुआ

उस घर में परिवार होवे

श्यामा-तात्या हों संग में

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भक्तमंडली वहां विराजे

और लक्ष्मी बाई होवे

चारों पहर की होय आरती

नित-नित दर्शन होवे

घर मेरा ऐसा बनाना सांई नाथ
जिसमें सारी उमर कट जाय

गुरूवार के रोज़ वहां

सांई तेरा भंडारा होवे

हलुआ पूरी और खिचड़ी

भोग वहां लगता होवे

सांई के हाथों हांडी में

कुछ भोजन पकता होवे

सांई प्रेम से भोग लगावें

जूठन मोहे मिल जावे

घर मेरा ऐसा बनाना सांई नाथ
जिसमें सारी उमर कट जाय

चैत मास में नवमी के दिन

उर्स भरे मेला होवे

यशुदा नन्दन पालने झूलें

राम जन्म  सुन्दर होवे

सांई नाथ कि चले पालकी

मैं भी नाचूँ गाऊँ

घर मेरा ऐसा बनाना सांई नाथ
जिसमें सारी उमर कट जाय ||

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Sai Satcharitra - Chapter 9

ॐ सांई राम

Chapter 9

Effect of compliance and Non-compliance with Baba's Orders at the Time of Taking Leave - A few Instances - Mendicancy and Its Necessity - Devotees' (Tarkhad family's) Experiences - Baba fed sumptuously - How?

At the end of the last chapter, it was barely stated that the Bhaktas, who obeyed Baba's orders at the time of taking leave, fared well and those, who disobeyed them, suffered many a mishap. This statement will be amplified and illustrated, with a few striking instances; and by other matters dealt with in this Chapter.

Characteristic of Shirdi - Pilgrimage

One special peculiarity of Shirdi-pilgrimage was this, that none could leave Shirdi, without Baba's permission; and if he did, he invited untold sufferings, but if any one was asked to quit Shirdi, he could stay there no longer. Baba gave certain suggestions or hints, when Bhaktas went to bid good-bye and take leave. These suggestions had to be followed. If they were not followed or were departed from, accidents were sure to befall them, who acted contrary to Baba's directions. We give below a few instances.

Tatya Kote Patil

Tatya Kote was once going in a tanga to Kopargaon bazar. He came in haste to the Masjid, saluted Baba, and said that he would go to Kopargtaon bazar. Baba said, "Don't make haste, stop a little, let go the bazar, don't go out of the village". On seeing has anxiety to go, Baba asked him to take Shama (Madhavrao Deshpande) at least with him. Not minding this direction, Tatya Kote immediately drove his tanga. Of the two horses one, which cost Rs.300/- was very active and restless. After passing Sawul well, it began to run rashly, got a sprain in its waist and fell down. Tatya was not much hurt, but was reminded of Mother Sai's direction. On another occasion while proceeding to Kolhar village, he disregarded Baba's direction, and drove in a tanga, which met with a similiar accident.

European Gentleman

One European gentleman of Bombay once came to Shirdi, with an introductory note from Nanasaheb Chandorkar, and with some object in view. He was comfortably accommodated in a tent. He wanted to kneel before Baba and kiss His hand. Therefore, he tried thrice to step into the Masjid, but Baba prevented him from doing so. He was asked to sit in the open court-yard below and take Baba's darshan from there. Not pleased with this reception he got, he wanted to leave Shirdi at once and came to bid good-bye. Baba asked him to go the next day and not to hurry. People also requested him to abide by Baba's direction. Not listening to all this, he left Shirdi in a tanga. The horses ran at first all right, but when Sawul well was passed, a bicycle came in front, seeing which the horses were frightened and ran fast. The tanga was turned topsy-turvy and the gentleman fell down and was dragged some distance. He was immediately released; but had to go and lie in Kopargaon hospital for the treatment of the injuries. Because of such experiences all people learnt the lesson, that those who disobeyed Baba's instruction met with accidents in one way or the other, and those who obeyed them were safe and happy.

The Necessity of Mendicancy

Now to return to the question of mendicancy. A question may arise in the minds of some that if Baba was such a great personage - God in fact, why should He have recourse to the begging bowl, all His lifetime? This question may be considered and replied from two standpoints. (1) Who are the fit persons, who have a right to live by the begging-bowl? Our Shastras say that those persons, who, getting rid of, or becoming free from the three main Desires, viz. (1) for progeny, (2) for wealth, (3) for fame, accept Sannyas, are the fit persons to live by begging alms. They cannot make cooking arrangements and dine at home. The duty of feeding them rests on the shoulders of house-holders. Sai Baba was neither a house-holder nor Vanaprastha. He was a celibate sannyasi, i.e., sannyasi from boyhood. His firm conviction was that the universe was His home, He was the Lord Vasudeo - the Supporter of the universe and the Imperishable Brahman. So He had the full right to have recourse to the begging-bowl. (2) Now from the standpoint of (1) Pancha-soon - five sins and their atonement. We all know that in order to prepare food-stuffs and meals, the householders have to go through five actions or processes, viz. (1) Kandani-Pounding, (2) Peshani-Grinding, (3) Udakumbhi - Washing pots, (4) Marjani - Sweeping and cleaning, (5) Chulli-Lighting hearths. These processes involve destruction of a lot of small insects and creatures, and thus the householders incur a lot of sin. In order to atone for this sin, our Shastras prescribe five kinds of sacrifices, viz. (1) Brahma-Yajna, (2) vedadhyayan - offerings to Brahman or the study of the Vedas. (3) Pitra-Yajna-offerings to the ancestors, 4)Deva-Yajna - offerings to the Gods, (5) Bhoota-Yajna-offerings to the beings, (6) Manushya-Atithi-Yajna-offerings to men or uninvited guests. If these sacrifices, enjoined by the Shastras are duly performed, the purification of their minds is effected and this helps them to get knowledge and self-realization. Baba, in going from house to house, reminded the inmates of their sacred duty, and fortunate were the people, who got the lesson at their homes from Baba.

Devotee's Experiences

Now to return to the other more interesting subject. Lord Krishna has said in the Bhagawadgeeta (9-26) "Whosoever devoutly offers to me a leaf, a flower, or a fruit or water, of that pure-hearted man, I accept that pious offering." In the case of Sai Baba, if a devotee really longed to offer anything to Sai Baba, and if he afterwards forgot to offer the same, Baba reminded him, or his friend about the offering, and made him present it to Him, and then accepted it and blessed the devotee. A few instances are given below.

Tarkhad Family (father and son)

Mr. Ramachandra Atmaran alias Babasaheb Tarkhad, formerly a Prarthana-Samajist, was a staunch devotee of Sai Baba. His wife and son loved Baba equally or perhaps more. It was once proposed that Master Tarkhad should go with his mother to Shirdi and spend his May vacation there, but the son was unwilling to go, as he thought that in case he left his home at Bandra, the worship of Sai Baba in the house would not be properly attended to, as his father being a Prarthana Samajist, would not care to worship Sai Baba's enlarged portrait. However, on his father's giving an assurance of oath, that he would perform the worship exactly as the son was doing, the mother and the son left for Shirdi on one Friday night.

Next day (Saturday) Mr. Tarkhad got up early, took his bath and before proceeding with the Puja, prostrated himself before the Shrine and said - "Baba, I am going to perform the Puja exactly as my son has been doing, but please let it not be a formal drill." After he performed the Puja, he offered a few pieces of lump-sugar as naivedya (offering), which were distributed at the time of the lunch.

That evening and on Sunday, everything went on well. The following Monday was a working day and it also passed well. Mr. Tarkhad, who had never performed Puja like this in all his life, felt great confidence within himself, that every thing was passing on quite satisfactorily according to the promise given to his son. On Tuesday, he performed the morning Puja as usual and left for his work. Coming home at , he found that there was no Prasad (sugar) to partake of, when the meal was served. He asked the servant - cook, who told him that there was no offering made that morning, and that he had completely forgotten then to perform that part of the Puja (offering naivedya). After hearing that he left his seat and prostrated himself before the Shrine, expressed his regret, at the same time chiding Baba for the want of guidance in making the whole affair a matter of mere drill. Then he wrote a letter to his son stating the facts and requested him to lay it before Baba's feet and ask His pardon for his neglect.

This happened in Bandra at Tuesday .

At about the same time, when the Arati was just about to commence in Shirdi, Baba said to Mrs. Tarkhad, "Mother, I had been to your house in Bandra, with a view to having something to eat. I found the door locked. I somehow got an entrance inside and found to My regret, that Bhau (Mr. Tarkhad) had left nothing for Me to eat. so I have returned from there without eating anything."

The lady could not understand anything; but the son, who was close by, understood that there was something wrong with the Puja in Bandra and he, therefore, requested Baba to permit him to go home. Baba refused the permission, but allowed him to perform Puja there. Then, the son wrote a letter to his father, stating all that took place at Shirdi and implored his father not to neglect the Puja at home.

Both these letters crossed each other and were delivered to the respective parties the next day.

Is this not astonishing?

Mrs. Tarkhad

Let us now take up the case of Mrs. Tarkhad herself. She offered three things, viz. (1) Bharit (roasted brinjal egg plant mixed curds and spice). (2) Kacharya (circular pieces of brinjal fried in ghee), (3) Peda (sweetmeat ball). Let us see how Baba accepted them.

Once Mr. Raghuvir Bhaskar Purandare of Bandra, a great devotee of Baba started for Shirdi with his family. Mrs Tarkhad went to Mrs. Purandare, and gave her two brinjals and requested her to prepare Bharit of one bringal and Kacharya of the other, when she went to Shirdi and serve Baba with them. After reaching Shirdi, Mrs. Purandare went with her dish of Bharit to the Masjid when Baba was just about to start his meals. Baba found the Bharit very tasty. So He distributed it to all and said that He wanted Kacharyas now. A word was sent to Radha Krishna-Mai, that Baba wanted Kacharyas. She was in a fix, as that was no season of brinjals. How to get brinjals was the question? When an enquiry was made as to who brought the Bharit, it was found that Mrs. Purandare was also entrusted with the duty of serving Kacharyas. Everybody then came to know the significance of Baba's enquiry regarding Kacharyas, and was wonderstruck at Baba's all-pervasive knowledge.

In December 1915 A.D., one Govind Balaram Mankar wanted to go to Shirdi to perfrom the obsequies of his father. Before he left, he came to see Mr. Tarkhad. Then Mrs. Tarkhad wanted to send something with him to Baba. She searched the whole house but found nothing, except a Peda, which had already been offered as naivedya. Mr. Mankar was in mourning. Still out of great devotion to Baba, she sent the Peda with him, hoping that Baba would accept and eat it. Govind went to Shirdi and saw Baba, but forgot to take the Peda with him. Baba simply waited. When again he went to Baba in the afternoon, he went empty-handed without the Peda. Baba could wait no longer and, therefore, asked him straight, "What did you bring for me?" "Nothing" was the reply. Baba asked him again. The same reply came forth again. Then Baba asked him the leading question, "Did not the mother (Mrs. Tarkhad) give some sweetmeat to you for Me at the time of your starting?" The boy then remembered the whole thing. He felt abashed, asked Baba's pardon, ran to his lodging, brought the Peda and gave it to Baba. As soon as Baba got it in His hand. He put it into His mouth and gulped it down. Thus the devotion of Mrs. Tarkhad was recognized and accepted. "As men believe in Me, so do I accept them" (Gita, 4-11) was proved in this case.

Baba Fed Sumptuously, -- How?

Once, Mrs. Tarkhad was staying in a certain house in Shirdi. At noon, meals were ready and dishes were being served, when a hungry dog turned up there and began to cry, Mrs. Tarkhad got up at once and threw a piece of bread, which the dog gulped with great relish. In the afternoon, when she went to the Masjid and sat at some distance, Sai Baba said to her, "Mother, you have fed Me sumptuously up to my throat, My afflicted pranas (life-forces) have been satisfied. always act like this, and this will stand you in good stead. Sitting in this Masjid I shall never, never speak untruth. Take pity on Me like this. First give bread to the hungry, and then eat yourself. Note this well." She could not at first understand the meaning of what Baba said. So she replied -- "Baba, how could I feed You? I am myself dependent on others and take my food from them on payment." Then Baba replied -- "Eating that lovely bread I am heartily contended and I am still belching. The dog which you saw before meals and to which you gave the piece of bread is, one with Me, so also other creatures (cats, pigs, flies, cows etc.) are one with Me. I am roaming in their forms. He, who sees Me in all these creatures is My beloved. So abandon the sense of duality and distinction, and serve Me, as you did today." Drinking these nectar-like words, she was moved, her eyes were filled with tears, her throat was choked and her joy knew no bounds.


"See God in all beings" is the moral of this chapter. The Upanishads, the Geeta and the Bhagwat, all exhort us to perceive God or Divinity in all the creatures. By the instance given at the end of this Chapter and others too numerous to mention. Sai Baba has practically demonstrated to us how to put the Upanishadic teachings into practice. In this way Sai Baba stands as the best Exponent or Teacher of the Upanishadic doctrines.

Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all

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